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Play to Say: Teach Your Toddler to Talk Through Play

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What other parents are saying...

[My son] became more expressive and started trying to make sounds more frequently. It was even noticeable to friends who did not know I was following Samantha's methods.


We loved Play to Say and we even got two new words from it! [My son] now says "bubbles" and "purple". I am so grateful for this group and all the advice. [My son] and I have both learned so much and he is making huge strides!



"My son has been very interactive and really trying out his voice. We got two new phrases!"

I feel reconnected to my little one. I'm excited to have fun with him and see how he progresses! Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing this valuable information with us! 


This was so insightful for me. We've had words this week never used before, as well as more signing. Thank you, Sam, for my new found skills. I feel more hopeful that [my son] will soon find his voice.


"I don't know what switch flipped today, but I feel like I have a whole new, happier kid."

Help Your Toddler
Find Their Voice


Put down the flashcards and back away slowly ;-)

Teaching your toddler to talk can be FUN. Actually, it has to be!

In just 15 minutes a day, you can make a massive difference in your toddler's speech.

Ditch the frustration and connect with your little one so that communication comes naturally.

Of course it's not all fun and games... Play is serious business around here! In Teach Your Toddler to Talk Through Play, you'll learn research-backed strategies to implement during playtime that will ensure a strong connection, stretch your child's attention span, teach new words, and encourage your toddler to talk.

You are already the best person to teach your toddler to talk, but the approach you take matters. You'll meet your toddler exactly where they are today and learn how to bring their skills to the next level (and the next, and the next!)


  • Connect with your toddler on a deeper level
  • Teach your toddler new words that are most meaningful to them
  • Improve communication and connection in your family right now
  • Feel confident that you're doing all the right things to help your child 




Start Playing Like a Speech Therapist

3-Part Video Training

Learn the specific techniques that speech therapists use to teach your toddler new words by starting with connection, earning their attention, and following their lead.



The Play to Say Workbook

The 22-page workbook will help you reflect and plan so you can put your new techniques into action immediately. 
BONUS: Get personalized feedback from Sam as you complete your workbook!


Real-life Examples

What does teaching your toddler to talk through play actually look like? Watch videos of Sam implementing the Play to Say strategies with her toddlers. You'll see how simple it can be! 

Become your toddler's best language teacher!

Proven techniques and meaningful support... all for only $27

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